<p>Part 1</p> <p>The blood symbolism is traced from Genesis to The Cross.</p> <p>After Eve became the first sinner, she then tempted her husband Adam to sin also. God killed animals and gave the couple the animal skins to cover their bodies. Symbolically the animals blood pointed to Jesus shedding his blood in His death to cover the sins of all mankind.</p> <p>Chapters include research connecting that blood in childbirth, blood in the first Passover, blood in the menstrual cycle all are symbols pointing to the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.</p> <p>Gods people are commanded not to eat blood. A survey was made of the countries that use animal blood in preparing food. Also, an investigation was made into the way animals are killed in the USA, and how their blood was drained from their carcasses, making meat comply with Gods law.</p> <p>Bible women Rahab and Tamar are studied and their connection with the symbolism of the redeeming blood of Jesus. Christians take communion symbolically remembering Jesus shed His blood for our sins today.</p> <p>Part 2</p> <p>Short life stories of women whose lives inspire us and who help make this world a better place.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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