<p><em>The printed supplement to Piper's DVD helps ground groups inthe five points of Calvinism so they will uphold God's Wordregarding God's saving work.</em></p><p>With this Study Guide and the DVD, John Piper walks study groupsthrough each of the five points of Calvinism-<strong>T</strong>otaldepravity, <strong>U</strong>nconditional election,<strong>L</strong>imited atonement, <strong>I</strong>rresistiblegrace, <strong>P</strong>erseverance of the saints-discussing theimplications and the issues from a fully biblical perspective. Theguide focuses on Piper's sixteen, 30-minute DVD teachings, whichcover topics that include the meaning of "total" in totaldepravity, doing missions when God is sovereign, Romans 9 and thetwo wills of God, and ten effects of believing the five points ofCalvinism.</p><p>This guided group study clarifies the all-important differencesbetween Calvinism and Arminianism and calls believers to hold fastto biblical truth regarding God's saving work in his people'slives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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