<p><strong><em>Wrestling Hurricanes</em> is the honest and incredible account of one family’s journey through a medical mystery and raising kids with special needs.</strong></p> <p>It is a journey that led Tiffany Haines to the answer for every one of life’s “why” questions. And, spoiler alert, the answer is simply the <em>glory of God</em>. For parents of atypical children, <em>Wrestling Hurricanes</em> speaks to the highs and lows of a chaotic life, which no one else can understand. For the Church, it provides an authentic example of how Christ followers can choose to react to life’s storms. For every person who has asked <em>why</em>, it provides a clear, compelling, and biblical answer. In the end, <em>Wrestling Hurricanes</em> can be a foundational, modern story of resilience by which small group and ministry leaders can teach not just the Gospel, but also share God’s ultimate plan for now and eternity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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