A Summer of Second Chances An uplifting and feel-good romance to fall in love with【電子書籍】[ Suzanne Snow ]

<h2>Sparks and tempers fly when Ben comes to stay in Daisy’s holiday cottage</h2> <p><strong>Daisy</strong> likes routine. She goes to work, makes dinner for her son, then loses herself for an hour or two in her sewing. She’s not looking for change, until <strong>Ben</strong> crashes ? literally ? into her life.</p> <p>Ben is training for a triathlon, working himself to the limit in an attempt to forget a recent trauma. Daisy wants to help, but even as they draw closer with every week that passes, he pushes her away whenever things threaten to get serious.</p> <p>Can Ben open himself up to love again? And with Daisy’s life in the Yorkshire Dales and Ben’s in New York, can they have a future together even if he does?</p> <p><strong>For fans of Trisha Ashley and Tilly Tennant, this is a perfect and much-needed slice of summer escapism.</strong></p> <p>'An utterly charming book, with interesting and compelling characters, where I was sucked into Daisy’s world. <strong>I found myself slowing down to savour both Snow’s writing and the delicious tension</strong> between Daisy and Ben. Highly recommend.' Jenni Keer, author of <em>The Hopes and Dreams of Lucy Baker</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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