When You're Tired of Looking Up ...Because Nothing Good Seems to Be Falling into Your Life【電子書籍】[ Gladys Henderson-Williams ]

<p>Many times we wander aimlessly through life trying to find the answer to a question that has plagued every Christian at one time or another; what is my destiny and how do I achieve it? We continue to find ourselves at the same old crossroads asking the same old questions--where do I go from here? Lord what would you have me to do? Lord, what is ministry? You know the questions I'm referring to. After awhile, we get so frustrated that we begin to seek counsel from our friends, relatives, co-workers, or pastors. We'll ask anyone that we feel can give us the answer we need, praying that someone, any one would shed some light on that ever darkening, bleak subject called</p> <p>"DESTINY".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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